Tuesday, March 15, 2016

We Can Make A Difference

One day as he began his daily prayer, a holy hermit saw passing by, a crippled mother begging for food for her malnourished child. Seeing them, the Holy man turned to God and said, " Great God! How is it that such a loving Creator can see so much suffering and yet do nothing about it?" And deep within his heart he heard God reply, "I have done something about it. I made you."

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Be Confident of Yourself Always

We all want to receive positive feedback, but most often that may never happen. I don't think that should bother you,because you know where you are going.You should know that your "true worth" definitely does not depend on any of the opinion or judgment of others. Whenever you go out into this world to make a true difference, there will be people who will disagree with you, at times push you around and also ignore you, some others will reject you and your ideas. Go beyond all those people,move confidently forward, do what you had set out to do. People will think adversely about you and your motives, the best you can do is let them think while you gallop ahead with your plans.

Stay Blessed.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


We hear of Cancer - the most dreaded sickness that strikes so many people in so many ways.Last week I learnt about a teenage boy ( all of 15 years) diagnosed with terminal cancer and is given a couple of weeks to live. Although I have never met him, hearing this news yet again caused me to do some serious reflection. God has blessed us with this gift of life which so many of us has taken for granted..... and yet when the sickness strikes us, what do we do? Do we blame God or do we thank Him, cos' we know that He is the Author of our lives! This young boy knowing that he has a few weeks to live tells his parents not to cry or be sad but thank God for the gift of him to his family.All that he has on his lips is an ATTITUDE of thanksgiving, he tells his parents, he is going, yet he is happy cos' he is going to a better place.
If you ever visit Shanti Avedna or even the Tata Memorial Hospital, I am confident it will make you ponder on this precious gift of life. Who knows you too may have a total change of attitude....an ATTITUDE of just THANKSGIVING.

You see, it's not the date you were born or the date you die that really matters. What's important is the "in between period" and what you do with it. Stay Blessed.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Be Patient

Many of us want instant results. Of course we live in a fast moving world and we want results faster.,but there are certain things in life which takes its own natural course.

You can’t force things to happen; you will only drive yourself crazy. There’s a time and place for everything. So don’t force what’s not yet supposed to fit into your life. Remember, When it’s meant to be, it will be. Work hard, be patient.If you do your best, you will surely see the light at the end of the tunnel. So hang in there!

Saturday, February 22, 2014


At times, I wonder why people give so much of importance to what others say about them? After all it is your life and it all depends on how you lead or how you choose to live it?

You can never let people walk all over you, with their thoughts and their ways.You cannot go around your whole life trying to please everyone else.You cannot go through in life worried about what everyone else is going to think. No one rules your life unless you allow them to. Be it your hairstyle or your dress code,even what you say or what you believe... It's all upto you. You cannot let the judgment of others stop you from being YOU. Because if you do, you are no longer YOURSELF. You are actually being a person who every one else wants you to be!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Do I love you because you’re beautiful

Or are you beautiful because I love you?

—Oscar Hammerstein

Once, a powerful king agreed to help a small, lost boy find his mother. Since the boy described his mother as the most beautiful woman in the world, the king commanded all the beautiful women in the kingdom to come to the castle.

From across the place they came – women with complexions of porcelain and hair of spun gold, with cheeks the color of apricots and eyes as dark as the raven’s. But none of them was the boy’s mother.

When the last of the women had paraded before them, and the king and the boy had begun to despair, they heard a timid knock on the door. “Come in,” the king said wearily. In shuffled an old washerwoman, her grey hair tied up in a kerchief, her hands rough and red, her dress coarse and patched. “Mother!” the boy cried when he saw her, and he leapt from his chair and raced into the woman’s arms. The king stared in amazement.

Will I be able to see the real beauty in others today?