Sunday, March 10, 2013

Be at peace with yourself and the world around you

Out thoughts,behaviour and the choices we make, shape who we are and what we become. It affects the way we see ourselves and the world around us. In our pilgrimage through life, the journey itself, not just the destination, is of prime importance. It is how we live, how we respond to what life brings us that creates the difference in our spiritual journey.

Just as sediment settles down in a jar of muddied water when left still for a time, so also do we begin to experience the peace,calm and tranquility that comes from periods of silence and stillness.We experience peace with ourselves and the world around us.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Everyone has a dream, no matter who they are. Let's help each other with living our dreams.

Everyone has a dream, no matter who they are. Let's help each other with living our dreams.

Bitterness can be harmful

Bitterness is a habit that can seriously hinder our spiritual journey. When life becomes difficult, when it doesn't seem as if God is providing for our needs, when we're not getting what we want when we want it, we have a decision to make.

We can hold onto our faith and trust that God has an answer in mind, or we can gripe and moan and complain and let our souls become embittered.

Expecting an oasis, but finding a bitter stream? Don't lose sight of the grace of God.Just cling to Him and He will see you through. Instead Commit your way to Him, trust in Him & He will act (Psalm 37:5 - Holy Bible).

God will never Abandon us

{This is a short reflection based on the gospel of Mathew Chp 6:24-34}

We are all simple human beings.It is natural for all of us to worry and be anxious about our future.At the time of Jesus,the apostles also looked at their future and were afraid.Jesus knew their fears and today He also knows our fears and consoles us with words such as these:

Do you think that God will leave you alone-a God who cares for the birds of the sky and the flowers of the field? Will He cease to care for you, who is so precious in His eyes?

Do not worry about being a "success" in my service. I have not called you to a career. I have called you to a way of life-the life of bringing God to the world you face each day.If you do that, I will take even your failures and make them successes.

Don't worry about the future. Stay with me in your every today and let the next tomorrow take care of itself.If today you are with me, I will take care of your future.

Jesus knows that inspite of all His promises and assurances, we will still worry and so He adds this line: Can any of you add a day to your life by worrying about it? (Mt 6:27)

True my dear friends, Jesus wants us to be free, not of concerns but of all worries,in order to serve Him.

Seek the kingdom of God first and all things shall be added unto you.....Mt 6:33.

God bless+