Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One Person at a time

I like the story of the "star thrower", about a man walking on a beach after a storm, throwing starfish into the ocean so they wouldn't die on the shore. Someone criticizes him for wasting his time, noting that there are millions of starfish dying,and that the few he saves wouldn't make much difference. The man silently bends over, throws another starfish into the surf and replies, "It made a difference for that one." We all know that, if we look around us,There is so much to do and yet say to ourselves, is it worth it to do something? what difference will my efforts make to such a massive problem of poverty or illiteracy or even unemployment? Just like it made a difference to the "starfish" which was thrown back into the sea, it will make a world of difference to the world around us, if we only do our bit of duty and not looked at the masses who are not doing it at all.One person at a time is all we need, to save this world.

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