In the last century a rich boy and a poor boy lived in the same neighborhood. The rich boy wore nice clothes, lived in a nice house and had plenty of good, nutritious food to eat. The poor boy lived in a cheap house, wore ragged clothes and did not have much of anything to eat. One day the boys got into a scuffle. In the struggle the rich boy won. The poor boy got up, dusted himself off and told the rich kid that if he had the proper food to eat like the rich boy did, he would have won. Then the poor boy turned and walked away. The rich kid just stood there. He was numbed by what the poor boy had said. His heart was broken because he knew that it was true.
The rich boy never forgot that experience. From that day on he revolted against any favored treatment because he was rich. He made it a point to wear cheap clothing; he intentionally endured the hardships faced by the poor. His family was often embarrassed by the way he dressed, but despite family pressure, that young boy never again took advantage of his wealth.
History omits the name of the poor boy, but the rich boy who developed such a compassion for the poor made them his life’s work. His name is recorded in history. He dedicated his life to service and became a world-class physician, serving in Africa. His name was Albert Schweitzer.
I’m not suggesting that we all be as selfless as Albert Schweitzer, but I do believe that we need to be more in tune with the thinking and feelings of others. Very few people have had as much impact on the world as Albert Schweitzer. Even fewer people have gotten as much satisfaction out of life as he did. Think about it and I’ll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!
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