Monday, October 25, 2010

Doing good to others

I pondered over it again and again. Is it worth doing good to others.Does that other person deserve it? Well, I mulled over this and kept wondering, why on earth should you be intefering in others lives and offer all possible assistance and help that person discover that he/she is absolutely good human being.I mean after all this, what if that person treats and makes you feel like a " piece of furniture" at the end of it all. In short, You choose(actually out of no choice) somebody who needs you and then you systematically work on the pros and cons of making that person understand and discover that he/she is worthwhile. I remember reading an article about this bold young woman named Avantika Maker.She was only 5 years old when her parents were brutally murdered by a man named Ranjit Singh. He spent close to 17 years in prison. Avantika after so many years who had witnessed her parents murder and was filled with anger and remorse, later in life, not only forgave Ranjit but also worked for his release from prison. I wonder why did Avantika forgive Ranjit and even got him out of prison!Why did she do good to a person who was according to the society "worthless" human being. Yet another incident of a person whom I know very well, was treated to a volley of unpleasant words, even to an extent of "hating" for the very good that he had done to uplift that person and help discover the person's worth in the society. Why I ask,does one need to even take up this yeoman's service (so to say) of counselling or offering that advice to people around? It may sound absurd and wierd, why did Jesus had to forgive those who abused him and even crucified him? Jesus knew that at the end of it all, it was between Him and God and not between Him and the human beings.I am sure Avantika or the person whom we spoke about earlier,did have one thing in common: the quality of reaching out to people unconditionally and expecting nothing in return. After all we do it for the sake of God and in light of this, isn't it true what Mother Teresa said: It is always between you and God and not between You and others.


  1. This blog has taught me a good lesson.

    'Forgiveness' is a grace and not just a virtue!

  2. An unconditional form of goodness to others is not easy to do but; it is surely rewarded by God.
