Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Executive who healed

There was an Executive of a very large Corporation, who lived by one of the busy streets in this very city of Mumbai. His apartment didn’t really have a good view but what made this apartment special was that it was within the walking distance to the sea. The constant roar of the traffic drowned out any sounds the sea water made. Of course if he wanted to, he could have walked out and taken a stroll down the beach. But he never did. He was so busy that he left home early morning and got back home late in the evening. Besides coming late from work, he used to also carry extra work. It kept him busy till late in the night. Exhausted, he would soon fall into a deep sleep the moment his head hit the pillow. Years passed by this way. The executive became increasingly busy and got engrossed in his work. Promotions came by very fast. His take home salary increased many fold. He soon became the CEO of that organization. He was proud of his achievements and felt that he had “arrived”. The constant thought of where he would go from there daunted him everyday. One day he had dream. In it he saw a wisdom filled spiritual guide, in the form of an old man his parents used to go to when he was a child. He told the executive that he possessed a great gift of healing which he had been wasting all his life. He never paid any attention to this gift since he was always busy with his work. The executive got extremely busy while at the same time got more stressed out due to his unearthly working hours. On one of his regular health check up he was told to slow down and take a vacation. He took the advice of the Doctor and took a vacation. This “slowing down” yielded fantastic results and that prompted him to take a longer vacation. He soon realized that although he had the fame and was accessible to all the privileges in the society, he was never ever satisfied. He further thought of a sabbatical from his job. Once he counselled one of his colleagues. The colleague was satisfied and he brought in another person and that opened the doors to this new found vocation of counselling and mentoring people. Besides it gave him utmost satisfaction. He quit his job and took this new found so called “career” very seriously. Besides counselling, he now started praying for these people and asked God to bless them. Very soon his fame spread and many people flocked to his house from all parts of the city and even the country. Surprisingly many who came with mental and even physical problems found solace and comfort in his words and his advice. The people would line up early morning to be prayed over and to be counselled. By the time the last person left it was late in the evening. By then it was time for his meditation which he did in a secluded room where he would not be distracted by the sound of traffic. After that he fell into a deep and restful sleep only to rise up the next morning fresh and revitalized to once again help the people who came to him for help and guidance. He had found his true happiness in helping and reaching out to others.

1 comment:

  1. From a corporate Executive to an "Ideal" one. God had his own ways and time for everyone! God Bless+
