Friday, October 1, 2010

Flattery uncovers the EGO

A woman was deeply hurt by the behaviour of her 15 year old son. Each time they went out together he would walk ahead of her. Was he ashamed of her? One day she asked him. "Oh, mom,no" was his embarrassed reply. " Its just that you look so young that I'm worried my friends will suspect I have a new girl friend." Her hurt vanished as if by magic. All it takes is a word of flattery or criticsm to uncover the EGO.If we think we are what our friends and enemies say we are, we obviously do not know ourselves.We are not called to be SOMEBODY OR NOBODY - for therein lies greed and ambition.Just be yourself.


  1. The gift of using words to communicate or verbal communication has been given by God exclusively to man and no other creature. God exhorts us to use our gift of speech befittingly as in Psalm 49:4- "My mouth shall speak wisdom and my heart offer insight". This is qualified in the book of Ecclesiastes3:7 " A time to be silent and a time to speak"

    When are we to be silent? This is explained in Psalm 34:14 "Keep your tongue from evil"

    How are we to speak? This is explained in Proverbs 12:18" the tongue of the wise is healing" and in Proverbs 15:4 " A soothing tongue is a tree of life.

    Let us improve the way we speak and enhance our communicative skills because success gravitates towards the one who uses his tongue well- Proverbs 25:11 " like golden apples in silver settings are words spoken at the proper time".

    X John D'Cruz

  2. Agreed!! We need to humbly live our own God given identity.

  3. We feel that we are lying, however Lord has to say " do not hurt anyone's spirit". So everything and anything for the righteous one.Amen
