Thursday, September 9, 2010

By Loving the unlovable,You made me lovable

We love some things because of their inherent worth: gorgeous super gadgets, gifted athletes, brilliant scientists, priceless works of art etc.There are other things that are not worthy yet loved. I would like to relate a true life story of a girl named Rosemary. She had a ragged doll - dirty ,threadbare but the most precious of her possessions.Rosemary could not bear to face life without her ragged doll. When her family wanted to relocate from one town to the other, every member of the family carefully selected what possessions to take along. Rosemary chose just one article : her ragged doll.It had little worth in itself but was worth much in Rosemary's eyes. God's love thankfully, is not based on our intrinsic worth. It comes by grace, a priceless yet free gift that bestows worth on the most unlovable object. Some things are loved because they are worthy and some are worthy because they are loved.


  1. This reminds one of the Gospel of John Chapter 8 where a sinful woman stood before Jesus - "dirty and threadbare" but the most precious of Jesus' possessions. Jesus chose just one article - this ragged , threadbare and dirty woman.

    In verse 10 Jesus asks his ragged, threadbare and dirty doll "where are they ? Has no one condemned you?" The ragged doll, threadbare and dirty replied "No one sir" Then Jesus said " Neither do I condemn you" The doll was no more ragged, dirty and threadbare. she was clean and white as snow. She later stood at the foot of the cross of the crucified Christ along with Mother Mary,at Golgotha, sobbing sorrowfully.

    The presence of Christ in our lives is transformational- transforming us from worthless ragged dirty threadbare dolls to white as snow, new beings, holy, worthy of being called the Children of God.
    X John D'Cruz

  2. God's divine nature of love so well brought about in this blog!
