Monday, September 13, 2010

A Winner Never Quits

A Winner is not one who never fails, but the one who never Quits. If you ever thought of giving up on your efforts, then read about these people who failed but never gave up. (1) 5th amongst seven siblings,he sold newspapers to earn his living,was not exceptionally smart at school.The first rocket he built crashed.A missile that he built crashed many times and he was made a butt of ridicule and yet went on to become the greatest scientist of our times and the president of India ~ Mr.APJ Abdul Kalam. (2)In 1962, 4 young nervous musicians played their first record audition and were declined as useless.They went on to become the world famous group ~ The Beatles. (3)A candidate for a news broadcaster's post was rejected by officials,since his voice was not fit for news broadcasting.He was told he could never become famous.Today he is not only famous but a powerful figure in the Indian film Industry ~ Amitabh Bachan. (4)A school teacher scolded a boy for not paying attention and for not being able to solve simple Mathematics problems.The teacher told him he would never become anybody in life. That boy was Albert Einstein. We may have heard so many such inspiring stories of many successful people and yet one thing stands out in all this, we may discard a child or even a grown up Adult and term them as " good for nothing" but God never discards any of us.After all each of us is God's Masterpiece.


  1. Many people wise say that one should not compare, but I respectfully wish to disagree. To support my stand I call to mind the words of Jesus in the Gospel at Mathew 5;48. Here Jesus says "So be perfect just AS your heavenly Father is perfect" In English usage, the word "as" is used to compare actions, whereas the word "like" is used to compare nouns. What is implied here in this verse is that Jesus expects us to perform actions that are similar to his Father in Heaven, actions that are holy ,kind, loving and reflective of the attributes of a kind and compassionate God.
    The blog above by Savio Fernandes is one of comparisons challenging us to greater success, higher achievements and nobler actions leading to the obtention of the fullness of our potential in our lives on Earth.
    In 1Cor9:24, St Paul instructs us "Run so as to win" There is absolutely no option to quit when orders are to run to win the race in life.

  2. Very Inspiring! When God is with us 'winning' is the ultimatum.
